Stakeholder Involvement

This project will use the principles of the Illinois Department of Transportation's Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) Policy, a collaborative approach that provides all stakeholders opportunities to participate and share comments or concerns about the objectives of the study and the alternatives.

A primary goal is to ensure the project fits its surroundings and preserves scenic, aesthetic, historic, and environmental resources while maintaining safety and mobility. Early, frequent, and meaningful communication is essential to ensure the public involvement process seeks solutions, addresses all concerns, and takes into serious consideration the quality of life of stakeholders. The CSS approach will provide stakeholders the tools and information required to participate in the study process and information to understand the NEPA process.

Stakeholder Involvement Plan

The goal of the Stakeholder Involvement Plan (SIP) is to actively seek the participation and feedback of communities, agencies, special interest groups, freight and trucking industry representatives, and the general public throughout the project development process. The SIP provides the framework for achieving consensus and communicating the decision-making process between the general public, public agencies, and governmental officials. Click the image above to view the SIP. 


Public Involvement Activities

Stakeholder Meetings

The project team will seek stakeholder input throughout the study. Stakeholder meetings ranging from small to medium-sized group meetings will be coordinated to engage stakeholder groups. The meeting attendees could include local agencies and organizations, elected officials, members of the business community and affected property owners. The meeting objectives are to engage stakeholders by sharing project information, addressing potential project issues and concerns, and providing groups specialized discussions about the project.

Public Information Meetings

As part of the Phase I Study, a public information meeting will be open to the broader public to solicit feedback and create awareness of the project. Opportunities for public comments, both verbally and through written comment cards, will be available. All public comments made at the public meeting will be documented and made available on the project website.

As part of the PEL Study, a public information meeting for the study took place in November 2021. Attendees met the study team, learned about the project, and participated in interactive activities. Weren't able to attend or want to learn more about what was presented? Visit the links to view the exhibit boards and maps.

Virtual Alternatives

Future meetings may incorporate a hybrid approach, with an in-person component and a virtual/online component. To accommodate the hybrid format, materials presented at the Public Information Meeting such as exhibit boards and maps will be posted electronically on the project website.  

Send Us Your Feedback!

We would love to hear from you. Please submit your questions or comments about this project by completing the form below.